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Image by Tim Marshall


Congratulations, on taking a bold step to be baptised! This is a time of celebration and great joy as our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ commanded us to take this public step. We have prepared this short guide to answer some questions you may have regarding your baptism.

What does baptism represent?


When we become saved we die to our sins, our ‘old self’ is buried (Romans 6:6) and we spiritually rise as a new creation (born again). Baptism represents the burial of the old self and the rising of the new self, through the same Holy Spirit power which rose Jesus from death to life (Colossians 2:11–12).

Baptism is a step of obedience and a public declaration of your loyalty to Jesus. It represents that your death and ressurection in Christ. Death does not have the final say! We come OUT the water!!


Why should I be baptised? 


As Jesus did not suggest that His followers be baptised but commanded we should listen (Matthew 28:19). If we love Jesus we should follow His commandments (John 14:15). Although baptism is not the same as our salvation, it is an outward display of our inward conversion that we have as followers of Christ. Similar to how a wedding ring does not equal the marriage but publicly displays the covenantal relationship that the wearer is in with their spouse.

What should I wear?


Wear something comfortable and something you don’t mind getting wet. A black t-shirt and shorts or leggings are recommended. Please also bring a large towel and slippers.


Can I invite my family & friends? 


Of course! This is a great decision you are making. Please share it with your friends and family.


What happens next?


Your baptism is a beautiful moment of your Christian journey - however, it is not the end. We are in a spiritual war and your baptism declares what side you're on. So be watchful, be diligent and continue to study your Bible; pray and fellowship with other Christians.

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